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Bob Dylan: The Pedlar Now Speaks

Label: The Razor's Edge
Order number: RAZ 019/20
Townsend number: T-015

>Message-ID: <35055B32.7986@Aesop.Rutgers.EDU>
>Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 10:24:39 -0500
>From: Dylan Orlando 
>Subject: pedler now speaks

>I heard this disk is goin around again.
>Its really really good get it if you can.
>It's not the best sounding disk you'll ever hear but the place is tiny
>and it sounds good. it's better sounding than Call me Zimmy and Maine
>Event so if you want a Visions i'd get this one(even though he gets more
>words on Zimmy and Maine's visions is incredible, Tony uses the bow very
>well)The list is vary rareand the filler is decent as good as it gets.
>the show is very well played. there is however one problem this son of a
>bitch keeps yelling out request under the mic it's between songs but
>come on. I'll never forget your voice Mr. "Dignity" and if i hear you at
>a show look out. the taper has to give a couple of shushes during the
>show but this is highly recommended. The cd handles volume really well
>turn this baby past twelve o'clock and it really gets good-GET THIS DISK
>IF YOU CAN-dylan